


What is this plugin?

If you are setting up ranks on your server and you want to give donors the ability to fly, but not the ability to abuse it and use creative?
Well this plugin is for you!
There are many plugins like this one out there, but I am planning to add more functionality to the restrictions that you can place on VIPs when flying.


These are the following permissions:

  • fb.enable.self Permission to enable fly for yourself.
  • fb.enable.others Permission to enable fly for others.
  • fb.reload Permission to reload FlyBenefit's configuration.
  • fb.wignore Permission to ignore what worlds are on config list.


The commands are:

  • /fbfly To enable fly mode. (Do it one more time to disable fly mode)
  • /fbreload Reload configuration.
  • /fbfly <name> Set fly mode for someone else.


BukkitDev has already approved my file, but I will keep it here until my newer version is finished developing.

Download the latest version here:

(A little secret, if you ever want to update ANY of your plugins, without having to manually delete the older version and put the newer version in, then just make a folder in your plugins folder called 'update' and place any plugins that are the updated version in there, WITH THE SAME NAME AS THE OLDER VERSION and then reload the server.

Version Changelog

v1.0.0 - CB 1.5.2 - R0.1

  • Initial Release

v1.0.1 - CB 1.5.2 - R0.1

  • Fixed commands and plugin text