A plugin for simple player voting!
Still in development!
I wanted a plugin where a player can get promoted by voting, but those I've found didn't function like i would have liked it. So i decided to write my own.
/vipvote <player> - The player <player> gets one vote count. You can't vote yourself, you can't vote for offline players and the player must not have the vipvote.vote permission.
- One time voting for a player (will be changed later)
- Change the number of votings
- You decide what to do with the voted player (use own commands)
- Decide who can get voted (permissions)
Planned Features:
- Reset votes after configable time
- Vote for offline players
- List all votes
- Multiple configable commands
- And more...
vipvote.vote - The group/player with this permission is not able to get voted
"Config part
"Promotion command:
"You can insert any valid command you like
"This is just a example how it could look like
"Please change it if necessary!!!
"Placeholder: [NAME] = voted Player
"Use the command without the "/"
promotion: give [NAME] minecraft:diamond
"Voters Number:
"This is the count, how many people have to vote for a player
"to trigger the command above
numberofvoters: '5'
"Custom broadcast message:
"This message will show up if the vote count is reached
"Color codes are possible
"Placeholders: [NAME] = voted Player, [NUMBER] = vote count
message: '&c[NAME] &6has brought [NUMBER] players on the server and got a DIAMOND!'
"Data part
"Do not edit this part, as long as you don't know what you're doing
"This will be generated autoamaticly
"the list of player who have voted
Droid_Dude: true
Dame: true
"Voted Players:
"The list of players who have been voted and their voters
- Droid_Dude
- Dame
- Only specified for my own server (mc.newaustrianservers.eu for those who are interested ;))
- Complete development build
- Only works with PEX
- Added command /vipvote <player>
- Added permanent saving in config.yml
- First official preview
- Development build
- Added config part in config.yml
- Added configable promotion command
- Added configable vote count
- Added custom broadcast message
- Bug fixing
- Updated to 1.16.3
Thanks for downloading!
If you discover any bugs/glitches or want me to add a feature, write a comment in the Spigot thread: Spigot Thread
I appreciate your help and have fun with VipVote! :)