


Download - Source (Github)

One day, I figured out that the nether looks very drab, and could use something to make it more appetizing to people to live in, and explore, rather than just to go and search for strongholds and grind Xp. That's where this idea fleshed out from.


This is a nether generator that does a few things differently than minecraft's normal one:

  • It has the ability to spawn ores
  • Has ruins instead of strongholds, and ruins are more common and random, not just a pasted togther structure.
  • Ability to spawn random items in chests in ruins
  • Ability for blaze spawners to rarely spawn ontop of the ruins.
  • Mushroom forests in the nether! :D
  • Spawns patches of netherwart.
  • More to come as I get suggestions.


Most of the configuration is explained in the config.yml file.
Your probably going to want to create it by copying the text on the 'Configuration page' into a file in the plugins/VNether folder before use, so you can configure the variables to your liking.


Currently there are no permissions for this plugin.

Other interesting points

This plugin mainly came from the fact of two things.

  1. I didn't like the nether having a roof, it felt too closed in
  2. I didn't like how the nether was so jagged, it looked kind of.. ugly?
    As I was making this, it turned into more than just a ordinary nether generator. I added a new structure type for ruins, mushroom trees in the nether, netherwart patches, and ORES! (Note all of these can be turned off if you don't want them :D)


  1. Download the jar file
  2. Place it in your plugins folder
  3. Create a folder in plugins called 'VNether'
  4. Copy the config file from the configuration file into a text file, edit the values to your liking, and save it as config.yml in the folder you just created.
  5. Delete previous nether if there is one
  6. Append the following onto the end of your bukkit.yml:
    generator: VNether

Where worldname is the name of the world. Then start up your server and it should generate.

That's all

If you have any issues or suggestions, please feel free to post them into the comments below.