



The following pledge was made before the DMCA was issued against Craftbukkit and derivatives. If Craftbukkit is continued, I will uphold my promise to prioritize compatibility with 1.8 versions. However, with plugin approvals frozen and confusing information about external links posted on the forums, my Twitter feed will be the most reliable place to get information on my plugins (including ones not released on BukkitDev).

Follow me on Twitter <--

1.8 Pledge: I promise to support the 1.8 update. I will do my part to investigate and report bugs. As soon as a beta or recommended build is available, I will review my plugins for compatibility and make necessary updates.


VoidGuard provides basic functionality to servers to control member access to void areas. It provides the following benefits.

  • Define layers in worlds as exclusively bedrock zones and fill "holes" through automation or command. Additionally prevent creative players from breaking these layers.
  • Define layers in worlds to remove extra bedrock and replace with your choice of material through automation or command.
  • Prevent players from abusing dark oak growth to break through the bedrock layers.
  • Set commands to be run if a player trespasses into a void zone.

This plugin was created in response to a need to have the above features while being compatible with pre-existing worlds, new "vanilla" land generation, and custom terrain generators which don't automatically include these features. It is intentionally meant to be more humble utility than an epic piece of (software) art. :)



  1. Add plugin jar into your plugins folder.
  2. Stop and start your server again. Do not use "/reload" - I believe VoidGuard is safe for reload, but I can't speak for your other plugins!
  3. Review at least the the default world setting (this applies to all worlds not specifically defined).
  4. To have worlds with their own settings, make a copy of the "default" world setting in the config file with the world's name, and when set, use /void reload or restart your server.


Reporting Problems

Please explain errors/bugs with as much details as you can provide, instead of just saying "it doesn't work".

Potential information to include:

  • OS version
  • Java version (VoidGuard is compiled with Java 7)
  • Server version ("Craftbukkit" or otherwise)
  • VoidGuard version
  • VoidGuard configuration file (use Pastebin or similar service please!)
  • Steps taken to repeat problem

Also, if Craftbukkit updates to a new Minecraft version, please test if VoidGuard works for you before assuming it will not. VoidGuard only hooks into the Bukkit API, so it is likely to continue functioning through updates.


Hidendra's Metrics have been added to the project, because statistics are fun and the information makes it easier to calculate usefulness. You can view collected data at mcstats.org/plugin/VoidGuard

Disable metrics from sending for any plugin by going into (your plugin folder)/PluginMetrics/config.yml and setting `opt-out: true` Disable metrics just for VoidGuard by setting `hook-metrics: false` in VoidGuard's config.

The status of the metrics will be output to the server log during startup.

Note: Hidendra's metric's will be removed in the upcoming VoidGuard 1.3 version.

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