Version: v1.24
Mine on the volcano where lava is transformed in severals differents blocks (coal, gold, diamond...).
wiki :
- Lava is transformed in blocks
- Multiple volcano can be created
- They are configured independent
- Explosif eruption
Fun video
- ATTENTION Backup your world map ! Create a simple volcano : /volcano create test 20 0.5 diamond_ore 99.5 stone I created from my position a volcano with 20 block height, with 0.5% diamond ore and 99.5% stone. Add layer : /volcano layer test 10 0.5 iron_ore 99.5 stone I added layer with 10 block radius from the center of volcan with 0.5% iron ore and 99.5% stone. From center at 9 block around, its a diamond ore and stone, from 10 block and more, its iron ore and stone. The layers are stacked cubes. For start it /volcano start test
optional Minicraft Quest Trigger
If you don't need this, the Volcano plugin work alone.
Require Minicraft Quest v0.65.
Extract the contents of the Volcano client 1.1 into minecraft.jar.
/volcano help *** HELP *** /volcano create <name> <height> <rate id|nameBloc> ... - Create volcano. /volcano start <name> - Start a volcano. /volcano stop <name> - Stop a volcano. /volcano crater <name> [<radius>] - Crater radius (between 1 and 100). /volcano timer <name> [<second>] - Time between flowed. /volcano flowed <name> [<second>] - Time of flowed before transformation. /volcano info <name> - Information about a volcano. /volcano move <name> - Move a volcano on new position (not the blocks). /volcano layerHelp - Help for add the layers. /volcano help2 - Other commands. *** HELP2 *** /volcano eruption <name> - Toggle eruption : Explosive or Effusive (without explosion). /volcano timerExplo <name> [<second>] - Fixe timer before explosion once at the top. /volcano delayExplo <name> [<second>] - Random delay after the fixe timer. /volcano nbExplo <name> [<number>] - Number of explosion. /volcano distanceExplo <name> [<number>] - Distance or radius of the concentration of explosions. /volcano damageExplo <name> [<number>] - Damage explosions (limit : 60). /volcano throat <name> - Toggle throat of fire. /volcano erupt <name> <second> - Eruption starts. /volcano help3 - Other commands." *** HELP3 *** /volcano del <name> - Delete a volcano file (not the blocks in game). /volcano load <name> - Load a volcano file. /volcano coord <name> <X> <Y> <Z> <maxY> - Change these coordinates. /volcano list - List of volcanoes. /volcano near - Display the near volcanoes. /volcano allow [<from>] - List of allow blocks. /volcano world <nameWorld> - Allow/Forbidden a world for the volcano plugin. (op) /volcano ops - Permit the volcano plugin only for ops or allow for everybody. (op) *** LAYER HELP *** /volcano layer <name> <radius> <rate id|nameBloc> ... - Add layer. /volcano layerInfo <name> - Info layer. /volcano modlayer <name> <num> <radius> <rate id|nameBloc> ... - Modification of layer. /volcano dellayer <name> <num> - Delete layer.
volcano.*: description: Allows volcano commands default: true children: true volcano.help2: true volcano.help3: true volcano.create: true volcano.layer: true volcano.layerHelp: true volcano.layerInfo: true volcano.start: true volcano.stop: true volcano.list: true volcano.del: true volcano.load: true volcano.crater: true volcano.timer: true volcano.flowed: true volcano.eruption: true volcano.timerExplo: true volcano.delayExplo: true volcano.nbExplo: true true volcano.move: true volcano.near: true volcano.allow: true volcano.modlayer: true volcano.dellayer: true volcano.coord: true volcano.distanceExplo: true volcano.damageExplo: true volcano.throat: true volcano.gui: true default: op volcano.ops: default: op volcano.erupt: default: op
Version 1.24
- fix flowed after eruption
- fix trigger volcano (only on client)
Version 1.21
- fix Mini manager 0.58
Version 1.2
- fix TriggerVolcano
Version 1.1
- /volcano erupt <name> <second> - Eruption starts.
- Flowed more fluid
- fix eruption
- Add bukkit event
- TriggerVolcano via Mini Quest
Version 1.0
- add layers with id or name block
- Fix Volcano
Version 0.985
- Fix eruption
Version 0.97
- Add Throat of fire : /volcano throat <name> - Toggle throat of fire.
- Fix width of volcanoes. The width is greater than 2 times the height.
Version 0.96
- Fix load at startup.
Version 0.951
- Default config - limitMaxY: 127 (maximum 255)
Version 0.95
- Alias /vol