



Vote4Diamond is a plugin that allows users to vote on different voting sites and get diamonds (configurable) in return. Most of the plugin runs on your website. The plugin allows you to easily add different voting sites and custom rewards and messages.



  • Give users something for voting.
  • Supports ALL voting toplists.
  • User friendly.
    • Voting sites are easy to add/edit.
    • You choose which and how many commands are run.
  • Fully automatic redeeming system.
  • Voting while offline still rewards.
  • Top voters list.
  • Change time between votes.


  1. Unzip Vote4Diamonds and drop it into your plugins folder.
  2. Open up the config.yml and change it to your likings.
  3. Let your users navigate to yourip:7357 or put it in your website in an iframe!
  4. Enjoy!


To include it in your website, put the following code somewhere on it (you might have to change it slightly):

<iframe src="yourip:7357" frameborder="0" height="450" width="300"></iframe>

User Instructions

  1. Navigate to the voting module.
  2. Fill in your name and hit login.
  3. Open and vote on the sites you want.
  4. Hit the Redeem Now button.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this see if someone voted?
It doesn't. Because many toplists do not support special rewarding plugins. However, this plugin makes sure the user went to all toplists you defined.
Players are complaining they did not get their item, what now?
Make sure your players know the user instruction. Most players forget to hit the Redeem Now button.
Do players get their reward instantly?
Yes, the plugin automatically rewards the user if he is online.
How do I change the images used?
Simply got the website part, and open up the 'images' folder. In there you will find the images used and you are free to edit it.
Could you add xx to this?
Maybe, add a ticket or reply and I will see what I can do.


Want your website/server listed here? Please leave a comment or message me with your server's website.


If you have any questions or concerns please leave them in a comment below.