VoteSQL [Requires Votifier!]
Version: 1.4
Craft Bukkit 1.5.1-R0.2
This plugin logs player votes to a MySQL table or a Flat-File! While your at it you might as well go ahead and add a custom message with colors for when they vote! Also, it logs the amount of times they vote in numerals. This can be used to set up a stats php page or something :).
- Logs votes to a SQL table
- Config
- SuperPerms support
- Plugin Metrics
- Now can log with Flat-File Support!
- Make your own custom messages with colors and such!
- Gives money on vote!
# Thanks for choosing VoteSQL! Simply change the info below. The FlatFileListener on the first vote may not record it! VoteSQL: onVote: Enabled: false # %P = Player Name %S = The Site they voted from! Message: '&2Thank you for voting %P from %S!' MySQL: Enabled: false Server: Server Address eg.Localhost Database: Place Database name here User: Place User of MySQL Database here Password: Place User password here Table_Prefix: votesql FlatFile: Enabled: false currency: Enabled: false Amount: 150 # %P = Player Name %M = Money received. Message: '&2%P, You received %M dollars!'
If some config options are not coming up delete the config and restart the server!
- /votesql - Displays help page
- /votesql reload - Reloads config.
- /votesql check <string> - Adds to the database with a vote of 1
- /votesql top - Shows the top 5 voters.
- votesql.reload
- votesql.check
- User Suggestions.
- Adding the Auto-Updater Option!
- Adding in game commands for leader-boards (Top 5 players and such! Amount will be Configurable)! See your individual placing and also your amount of votes you have!
Adding Vault support so they can receive money!- Give items on vote
Change Log
To see the change-log go on the files tab and click on the version to read any info on it!
Find any? Please submit a ticket and post errors in a gist! Link to gist:
PHP Code
<?PHP $user_name = "USERHERE"; $password = "PASSWORDHERE"; $database = "DATABASEHERE"; $server = "SERVERIPHERE"; $db_handle = mysql_connect($server, $user_name, $password); $db_found = mysql_select_db($database, $db_handle); if ($db_found) { $SQL = "SELECT * FROM votesql ORDER BY votes DESC"; $result = mysql_query($SQL); $value = 1; while ($db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { print "<tr>"; print "<td>" . $value . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $db_field['playername'] . "</td>"; print "<td>" . $db_field['votes'] . "</td>"; $value = $value + 1; print "</tr>"; } mysql_close($db_handle); } else { print "Database NOT Found "; mysql_close($db_handle); } ?>
Donations are greatly appreciated :)