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This is a warp menu plugin I made briefly for a client which, due to a misunderstanding, turned out to be free work. I decided I would go ahead and give him the source and plugin free, and post it on bukkit dev.


This plugin is very basic, and nearly entirely static at the moment. You will need to create a database in your database manager. Then you will need to go into one of the source files (WarpMenu.java), go to line 19 which contains the following:

MySQL MySQL = new MySQL((Plugin)this, "localhost", "3306", "test", "root", "enter");

And change this to whatever database you wish to use. Replace "localhost" with your IP, or if it's hosted locally...leave it. Port 3306 is the default mySQL port, but if you use a non-standard port change this. Test is the database name, root is the username, and enter is the password.


Once you are in game run /setup and the plugin will set your database up. If you skip this step nothing is going to work. After that your users simply need to use /warpmenu, or right click a warp vendor that you can create via the command "createwarpvendor" (pending a name change!)


There is only one set of permission nodes...they are warpmenu.0 through warpmenu.8. The icon will change to one that says "Donate to unlock this feature" for every slot they don't have permissions for. This plugin is rather buggy, and anyone who wishes to fork it, or edit and send me source, would be embraced.