


What is WarpCost?

WarpCost in it's self is a very simple drop in replacement for Essentails Warps. But unlike Essentails Warps you can actually charge a in-game item to go to that teleport such as a Gold Ingot or something of the sorts.

Permissions and Commands

/warp name

  • Premission: warp.go
  • Command: /warp name
  • Example: /warp Butter

/setwarpprice name cost material

  • Premission: warp.make.cost
  • Command: /setwarpprice name cost material
  • Example: /setwarpprice Butter 4 Gold_Ingot

/setwarp name

  • Premission: warp.make.free
  • Command: /setwarp name
  • Example: /setwarp Butter

/delwarp name

  • Premission: warp.remove
  • Command: /delwarp name
  • Example: /delwarp Butter

Config File

prefix: "[WarpCost]"
usegui: false
guisize: 6

  cantafford: "Warp &1%name%&f cost %cost% %item%"
  gocost: "Warped to &1%name%&f for %cost% %item%"
  gofree: "Warped to &1%name%&f"


This plugin will override Essentails warp commands and replace it with its own to hook into the pricing system that it has.

Minor things

All Warps are held in the warps.yml file located in the same folder as config.yml (/plugins/WarpCost)

You can change the messages and prefix in the config.yml

Github code

Fork the code here: https://github.com/Toyz/WarpCost/