WayShrines plugin for TESO-like teleportation system.
Plugin uses Vault for teleportation payments --->CLICK<---
To create a shrine place a block, look at it and type /ws create <name>. Now when player right click on the block he gets a GUI with available shrines.
There is also(can be disabled in config) a respawn system. After player dies he will be respawned at closest available wayshrine.
My new plugin(Re Spawn) softly depends on WayShrines. Check it out too.
BTW: Current shrine is not shown in GUI!
/wayshrines help - open help page
/wayshrines info - plugin info
/wayshrines create <name> - create new wayshrine.
/wayshrines delete <name> - delete a wayshrine.
/wayshrines cost <name> <cost> - set teleportation cost.
/wayshrines seticon <name> - set GUI item(icon) for wayshrine. Item is from main hand.
/wayshrines setspawn <name> - set wayshrine spawn point.
/wayshrines setknown <name> <true/false> - set wayshrine locked(except when scouted)/unlocked for all players.
/wayshrines setrespawn <name> <true/false> -
#Enable vault support(teleportation cost)
use-vault: true
#When player rightclick shrine, he unlocks it
enable-scouting: true
#Log unlocked shrines
log-scouting-when-disabled: true
#Respawn on the closest unlocked shrine
enable-death-respawn: true
#Eats a lot of resources but rly needed
enable-heavy-event-listening: true
#True and false format
true: '&aTRUE'
false: '&cFALSE'
#Name of GUI
inventory-name: '&bWayShrines: &e%page% &a/ &e%pages%'
#GUI rows
inventory-rows: 3
#Name of the shrine in GUI
shrine-name: '&aShrine: &d%name%'
#Lore of the shrine in GUI
- '&eCost: &d%cost%'
#Material for NEXT button
right-material: 'ARROW'
#Material for BACK button
left-material: 'REDSTONE'
#Name for NEXT button
right-name: '&dGo ahead.'
#Name for BACK button
left-name: '&dGo back.'
#Lore for NEXT button
- '&eNext page!'
#Lore for BACK button
- '&ePrevious page!'
1) Download WayShrines.jar
2) Put it to the plugins folder
3) Restart the server