WeaponsPlus is a plugin that adds a handful of new weapons into Minecraft. Every weapons has a custom crafting recipe. The goal of WeaponsPlus is to create the same, fun, feeling you get when messing around with an awesome client mod. And, since there are crafting recipes for all the weapons, average players can have fun too; not just server admins. If you want to just get a weapon easily without having to craft it though, you can use '/wp <weapon>'.
But if you want to find out what this plugin does before using it, you can check out this awesome video by a guy named InfamousMango:
I'd like to thank asdiop112 for helping me out with the general idea of the plugin and the RPG and RPG Launcher crafting recipes. I'd also like to thank vader192, force192, adz101, Stromyknife, and coolk1014, for being my guinea pigs throughout this whole thing. :)
WeaponsPlus has permissions for all the weapons and the base command (/wp <weapon>). You can find a list for all of them below.
- weaponsplus.*
- weaponsplus.weapons.*
- weaponsplus.weapons.rpg-launcher
- weaponsplus.weapons.rpg
- weaponsplus.weapons.machine-gun
- weaponsplus.weapons.grenade
- weaponsplus.weapons.whip
- weaponsplus.weapons.fire-whip
- weaponsplus.weapons.musket
- weaponsplus.weapons.bullet
- weaponsplus.weapons.explosive-arrow
- weaponsplus.weapons.pistol
- weaponsplus.weapons.musket-ball
Below you will find the text-based descriptions of the recipes. "n" equals an empty crafting space.
RPG Launcher
I = Iron Block
L = Lever
R = Redstone
Row 1: III
Row 2: LRR
Row 3: III
R = Redstone
B = Stone Button
I = Iron Ingot
Row 1: RBR
Row 2: ITI
Row 3: ITI
Machine Gun
D = Diamond
I = Iron Ingot
S = Stick
B = Stone Button
W = Wooden Plank
Row 1: DID
Row 2: SBW
Row 3: IDI
A bullet, unlike other recipes, is fairly simple. Just put an iron ingot above a piece of gunpowder, and you should get eight bullets.
Explosive Arrow
G = Flint
S = Stick
F = Feather
Row 1: TGT
Row 2: nSn
Row 3: nFn
I = Iron Ingot
Row 1: ITI
Row 2: TIT
Row 3: ITI
I = Iron Ingot
F = Fishing Pole
Row 1: F
Row 2: nIn
Row 3: nnI
Fire Whip
The recipe for the Fire Whip is shapeless, which means that you can place its components, flint and steel and a fishing rod, in a crafting table in any order you like.
D = Diamond
I = Iron Ingot
S = Stick
Row 1: DII
Row 2: Snn
P = Wooden Plank
B = Stone Button
S = Sword (whatever type you want)
K = Stick
Row 1: PBS
Row 2: Knn
Musket Ball
I = Iron Ingot
G = Gunpowder
Row 1: II
Row 2: GG
As of version 1.1.2, this plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.