Weather Region is a plugin that allows you to create areas where the weather is always rainy without changing the weather outside the area.
This plugin requires you to add the plugin Vault:
- /wr add X1 Z1 X2 Z2 (WORLD) | Adds an area, world does not need to be specified
- /wr remove/del X1 Z1 X2 Z2 (WORLD) | Removes an area, world does not need to be specified
- /wr info | Lists some information about the plugin
- /wr list | Lists the current areas
- /wr reload | reloads the areas from the config, should be used when you edit the config
- /wr d/disable/off | turns off the plugin for the user that enters the command
- /wr e/enable/on | turns o the plugin for the user that enters the command
- WeatherRegion.see | Activates this plugin for this user
- WeatherRegion.add | Allows this user to add new areas
- WeatherRegion.del | Allows this user to Delete areas
- WeatherRegion.enable | Allows this user to enable Weather Region for themselves
- WeatherRegion.disable | Allows this user to disable Weather Region for themselves
- WeatherRegion.reload | Allows this user to reload the areas from the config
- WeatherRegion.list | Allows this user to view a list of the current areas
- | Allows this user to view some information about the plugin
You can add new areas using the config.yml file found in the WeatherRegion folder. Each area is written in the format
- X co-ord 1,Z co-ord 1,X co-ord 2,Z co-ord 2,world
Between each item is a comma.
A filled config file might look like this:
areas: - 111,333,444,555,world - 999,888,777,666,creative_world - 12,34,56,78,RandomWorldName