WebPurify Profanity Filter

WebPurify Profanity Filter


Simple plugin to integrate the fast and accurate WebPurify Profanity Filter Service into your Bukkit server to filter chat. You will need to go to: https://www.webpurify.com to purchase a plug-in license.

1. Basic informations and requirements
- the plugin is using http protocol to communicate with an API
- each request has a timeout of 2 seconds
- every error will be logged into the server's console with it's stack trace

2. Installation and configuration:
- put the jar file into a "plugins" directory
- run the server, plugin will create a default configuration file in it's directory
- enter this file (plugins/WebPurifyProfanityFilter/config.yml) and enter an "api-key" property
- restart the server
- done
- you may edit config.yml at any time in the future, every property in there has a short description

3. Permissions
- profanityfilter.admin - access to a /profanityfilter command
- profanityfilter.bypass - messages of a player with this permission will not go through the filter (only if enabled in config.yml)

4. Commands
/profanityfilter (or short /pf), accepts these arguments:
/pf on - turns the plugin on
/pf off - turns the plugin off
/pf status (or short st) - displays plugin status
/pf reload (or short rl) - reloads configuration file (plugins/WebPurifyProfanityFilter/config.yml)