Website Link

Website Link


Website Link

The website link plugin is one of the most advanced ones I've made so far. This one utilizes configuration. Therefore, this means that you can edit the configuration of this plugin so that it will display what you want it to, when the player runs a specific command. This plugin is currently being used on HumaneBending, and there is a lot of positive feedback about it, due to the simplicity that it is easier to find the website for the server. This plugin will make a great addition to any server who hosts a website. 


The configuration of this plugin is fairly straight forward. All it requires is that once the plugin has been installed, if you open your plugins folder and go into the 'Website' folder, there will be a config file there. The first configuration option in the file is the 'title' option. This displays in-game at the top of the process once the command has been run. This would be a good place to put the name of your server. The next configuration option is 'website'. As the name suggests, put the entire http:// link to your website in here. The users will be able to click that link and go to the website. The final option is 'author'. This has been set to credit me for the project. This can be changed, but I think it would be acceptable to ask if you could leave that one as it is so that there is some credit going to me for this project!


In terms of commands, the only command the user will have to run is /website. This command will trigger the Plugin to run, and it will then take the current values of 'title' 'website' and 'author' from the configuration file and display them in the chat window, encased in dashes above and below the three values.


There are no permissions associated with this plugin, as there is no need to deny anyone from seeing the link to your website from in-game!


The installation of this file is simple. Simply drag and drop the file into your plugins, restart or reload, edit the configuration to how you want it, and away you go! There are no dependencies that are required to run this plugin!

Thank you for choosing to use my Website Link plugin!