WGAutoName for WorldGuard
This plugin for WorldGuard generate automatic names for player region claims using player name and count suffix, i.e., you can not worry about the region name using region claims - new region will be named "player-1", "player-2" etc. Or you can make classic custom region claim.
If a player remove a region, and claim again, new region name will claimed with suffix from missing numbers.
Plugin has the ability to set custom max limit for region claims!
Server administrators can make regions management much more convenient for server players and OPs with WGAutoName, RegionScanTool and with third-party auto-flag plugins, like as WGExtender or WGFix
How use
Install WorldGuard, download WGAutoName, put in plugin folder, and start server. Now, if player make region and use /region claim without any parameters, region will be saved with 'player-1' name. Parameters is not available in this case. Admin/Moderator (player with permissions), or OP can use classic /region claim <regionname>
Config File
Content plugin enable state, the custom plugin permissions state, and custom permissions for max region claims, and plugin messages. You can translate messages for your language or modify text. Color supported. File header contains custom permissions instruction with example.
/wgan global - enable/disable plugin
'wgautoname.manual' - allow classic custom name region claim (claim with parameters)
'wgautoname.collect' - deny per-world max claims (i.e, this mean use max limit for all worlds per-player)(in built-in limits mode)
'wgautoname.admin' - allow enable/disable plugin by '/wgan global' command
'wgautoname.unlimit' - allow WorldGuard global max limit claims (in built-in limits mode)
And custom limit permission. We have 3 in defaults already:
'wgautoname.defaultgroup1' - allow make 7 max claims per-world without 'wgautoname.collect' or total 7 with 'wgautoname.collect'
'wgautoname.defaultgroup2' - allow make 12 max claims per-world without 'wgautoname.collect' or total 12 with 'wgautoname.collect'
'wgautoname.defaultgroup3' - allow make 16 max claims per-world without 'wgautoname.collect' or total 16 with 'wgautoname.collect'
For use custom limits set 'MAX_CLAIM_PERMISSION_ENABLED: true' in config file. You can add your groups with limit below default groups in 'wgautoname' section of config file.
Plugin has built-in lite metrics