WorldGuard Land Claim

WorldGuard Land Claim


WorldGuard Land Claim


Allows administrators to charge users money for claiming a WorldGuard region and setting specific flags in their regions. This task was previously accomplished with plugins that charge for a specific command typed, like "/region claim *". The issue with this is that it charges the user even when a region is not successfully created due to errors with region overlap or names already being taken. This plugin solves that issue and adds the ability to create different types of regions and charge for setting flags in a region.

Example Usage

  • Player1: /region claim myregion
  • Player1 is charged $1000 if and only if region claiming succeeds (does not overlap, region name taken, etc).
  • Player1: /region flag myregion pvp deny
  • Player1 is charged $500 if his region does not already have the pvp flag set.

Installation & Config

  1. You need WorldGuard and Vault plugins first.
  2. Download WGLandClaim.jar
  3. Place in your server's plugins folder
  4. Run your server to generate the config
  5. Edit the config to your liking, see config at:
  6. Reload the plugin or restart the server


  • Charge users money for typing /region claim <name>
  • Does not charge if the region claiming fails
  • Charge users money for setting flags on their region
  • Only charges when set, does not charge toggling between allow and deny or other flag values afterwards
  • Optional, toggleable "plot" creation with /region claimplot <name>, allowing for small region creation that is limited to regions within a region that you already own.
  • Specify amounts of money to charge for regions, plots, and flags in config
  • Supports claiming with UUID and player name


No permissions are set by default. You will need to set some WorldGuard and WorldEdit permissions to start, see the next section.

  • wglandclaim.* : User can claim plots if enabled, exempt from all limits and costs for regions, plots, flags.
  • wglandclaim.claimplot: Allows user to claim a plot if enabled.
  • wglandclaim.bypass.*: User exempt from all region, plot, flag costs and limits
  • wglandclaim.bypass.claim: No charge or any limits on claiming a region.
  • wglandclaim.bypass.claimplot: No charge or limits for creating plots.
  • wglandclaim.bypass.flags: No charge for setting flags on a region.

Necessary WorldGuard/WorldEdit Permissions

You need to add some other permissions in order for this plugin to function to your desire.


  • worldedit.wand
  • worldedit.selection.pos
  • worldguard.region.claim
  • worldguard.region.flag.regions.own.*
  • worldguard.region.addowner.own.*


  • worldedit.selection.expand : This is used for auto-expanding users region, see the config.
  • worldguard.region.flag.flags.<flagname>.* : Allows a user to flag a specific flag on or off on their region. Replace <flag> with desired flag.

How to use

Select 2 points with the wooden axe using left and right click.

Credit to ALLISKATA for help with ideas and brainstorming.