Wireless Redstone Timer


Wireless Redstone Timer Easy to use and runs quietly in the background!

Wireless Redstone Timer

Idea of this plugin

Have you ever experienced lag / stuttering when you wanted to use a timer built by repeaters like for a pvp game? I built such a timer and for everyone playing my pvp game the stuttering was too heavy to just enjoy the game. (The timer must be inside the players range to be updated) So I decided to write a simple plugin which makes use of the bukkit scheduler and saves performance for both the server and client!


1. Set up a command block!

2. Type this: [] -> needed field | () -> optional field

delayedredstone [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] (6)

  1. X coordinate
  2. Y coordinate
  3. Z coordinate
  4. Delay
  5. Delay after the block changes back into the old one ("returndelay")
  6. Optional block id (If you leave this field out my plugin will use a redstone block)

So what’s going on?

  1. After the delay the block which you selected (X, Y, Z) will change into the material you specify at field 6 or into a redstone block.
  2. Now the returndelay starts to work. After this delay the block will change back into the the old one. If you just specify 0 at this field nothing further will happen and the block will stay forever. (Until you break it)

The affected block will be in the world in which the command block is. (Command block in "world" -> affected block in "world" / Command block in world "freebuild" -> affected block in "freebuild")

Set the delays

As of version 1.2 you can set the delays by just typing a number like before (example: 56) which represents seconds or now using something like that:

1h15m10s or 1m6s or 1h or 2m or 4m1h9s or 1s1m ...

Hours, minutes and seconds will work.

Note: You can use for example 10s6s which will represent 16 seconds ( of course also 5m4m or 1h2h would work )

Relative coordinates

As of version 1.4 you can use relative coordinates which is great for copying a curcuit.

Example: *-10 *10 *0

Meaning: The affected block would be at the location of the command block with X-Axis minus 10 and Y-Axis plus 10.

In generel: You can also use all other letters instead of *.

Super great features

- Multiverse / Multiworld compatible

- You can simultaneously use as much command blocks as you want

- Can be used as wireless redstone if you set the first delay to 0

- If a command isn’t correctly used you will get a note in the console and a paint splash (see the color codes) at the command block (Since version 1.1)

- Two or even more commands affecting one single block at the same time won’t conflict (Since version 1.2)

Color Codes



Always keep in mind: This plugin is only an addition to the redstone system (or any other "system" since the 1.1 update) and can not replace redstone knowledge!