This is WolfPolice.
It uses simple jail for jailing.
If a player is wanted, a cop/police officer has to find them for the crime they committed and combat tag the player with the jail stick they get from doing /duty.
The player gets jailed for 5 minutes. If they don’t want to stay those 5 minutes, they have to pay the arresting officer the bail the officer announced in chat. Once the player paid the bail or their bail has been paid by another player, the cop will do /release (player name).
If a player is jailed for murder, the cop will do /incidents (player name) to see the incident count on that player. The jailed player will have access to only /pay, /help and /bal until they get released. They get auto released when the 5 minute timer is finished. Please do /setjail with the plugin simple jail before using this plugin and also do /setunjail using simple jail as well. The owner will use /getbaton to get the jail stick and then enchant custom diamond armor for the police to get when they do /duty. The officers inventory is saved when in /duty. Once the server owner has all the police gear ready, they will do /additems to add the gear to use in /duty.
Police can also use /police tp (player name) to teleport 200-400 blocks away from the wanted player and have to run the rest of the way on foot using the essentials /getpos command.
The police will have a chat they can talk to each other in called Police Chat. They will do /pc (message) to chat in police chat.
Commands and permissions:
wolfpd.additems - Admins use to add the items to /duty- /additems
wolfpd.duty - /duty
wolfpd.getbaton - /getbaton
wolfpd.incidents - /incidents
wolfpd.pc - /pc
wolfpd.pc.toggle - /pc
wolfpd.policetp - /police tp (player name)
wolfpd.release - /release (player name)
wolfpd.wpd - /wolfpd reload - SERVER ADMINS ONLY