Ever wanted a plugin that lets player make their own empires and lets them conquer land, well here it is
General Info
What is an empire, well an empire is a group of Emperors and Members. These people can claim land for their Empire.
Once they have claimed some land, it disables players (that are not part of the empire) to modify the terrain inside the empire.
!Borders from the same empire don't show if they overlap!
!It's impossible for users to claim land that's already claimed!
Example of claimed terrain:
Image removed due to an invalid URL: http:i.imgur.com/QG7LG90.jpg
Claimed terrain displays a 3 block high border of wool pillars
Making of an empire
This plugin enables players to make their own empire be using the command "/weaddempire <Empirename> <Color>".
After that, the plugin generates the empire and adds the player to the empire and gives him the role of "Emperor".
(The emperor role in an empire enables them to use some extra commands)
Now emperors can add members to the empire and by using "/weaddmember <Playername>".
Finally you have an empire with an emperor and members, but what if you want to claim land?
Just use a "Capture Flag"
Players that are in an empire can use a "Capture Flag" to add a center (of a new area) to their empire
therefor they must use the following recipe:
Image removed due to an invalid URL: http:i.imgur.com/nNSGyDm.png
Permissions & Commands
!using "/wehelp" in-game, you'll get a nice overview of all the commands and their description!
!both permission groups have similar commands, but the "we.god" commands have some extra parameters!
we.god: (admin commands)
- weaddempire
- weremoveempire
- weaddcenter
- weremovecenter
- weaddmember
- weremovemember
- weaddemperor
- weremoveemperor
- wegetflag
- wedisplayall
- wehelp
we.default: (player commands)
- weaddempire
- wedisplayall
- wehelp
only usable by players with an emperor role
!Emperors can only add/remove players from their own empire!
- weaddmember
- weremovemember
- weaddemperor
- weremoveemperor
- Does this plugin support multiple dimensions?
- Yes, when using "/wedisplayall", the last value of each center is the world where it is located.
- Why don't the borders appear in the nether?
- Because this plugin places borders on the highest point possible, it tries placing it on top of the nether.
- What is the Emperor Role?
- An empire has members and emperors, Players with the emperor role are just the emperors. This gives them access to a few extra commands (see "we.default" commands).
!This plugin disables the breaking/placing/destroying/moving of wool blocks! (because they are used for indicating the borders of an empire)
!If you found any bug or have suggestions for more features, please let me know!
!If something is unclear, please ask me!
!This project is still in development, bugs and glitches are not excluded! (but currently I cant find any)