Word Restrict
created by bluecreeper111
- Allows you to restrict words and make them disabled in chat.
restrict.bypass - Only permission in this plugin. Allows player with the permission to bypass all word restrictions. Opped players have this permission by default.
No commands.
Restricted Words: Define all restricted words here. (*Make sure they are all lowercase*).
kick: Define either true or false to enable the feature to kick the player when they submit a restricted word. (Note: Only enable either the kick or warn feature, not both or an error will be returned!)
kickmessage: If kick is enabled, define the message that will be given to the player when kicked. (Use '&' for color codes)
warn: Define either true or false to enable the feature which will only warn the player when they submit a restricted word.
(Note: Only enable either the kick or warn feature, not both or an error will be returned!)
warnmessage: If warn is enabled, define the message that will be given to the player when they submit a restricted word. (Use '&' for color codes)