With this plugin you can change a Word/Sentence from a Player to another Word/Sentence.
If a player is writing something in Chat or with the /msg command you can change every Word or the entiry sentence to a new Word or Sentence. For Example you can change your "InGameName" to "Mr. InGameName". or a simple "hello" to "hello how are you?" or "how are you?" to "I like you".
Configurable config file for easy use.
It also works with the /msg command.
/wordchanger add - Adds a word to the List that has to be changed to another.
/wordchanger remove - Removes a word from the list.
/wordchanger reload - Relod the config fileif you made changes to the config file.
wordchanger.edit - Allows you to use the commands.
wordchanger.bypass - Add this permission, so that your words aren't changed anymore.
oldword: NeWwOrd
old sentence: this IS a new Sentence
The old word is not case sensitive the new word is case sensitive.