World Portals
ATTENTION: i strongly recommend switch to "World Portals NextGen", is more friendly, light and fast:
Just like the boring part of mmorpg's is having to spend most time killing mobs, the boring part of minecraft is having to spend most time travelling large distances, this plugin comes to help with that in order to get time to do all the really fun things you could do
Certainly the game offers other ways to do it like horses, boats, nether portals, etc. I acknowledge i am purist, at start i didn't want to do it but later i said "what the heck, this is a game, and it has to be fun"
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- familiar way of portal creation, activation, teleporting and destruction (are like "small" nether portals)
- intended to be as much intuitive and "vanilla" as possible
- visual labels with portal name and destination
- graphic portal selection, aiming with your crosshair
- a simple way to configure selected portal through a short command
- short and colored status messages
- paged, ordered and aligned portal list with search filters
- simple and colored in game help pages
- server configurable
- localization support
Usage example
Think in World Portals as small Nether Portals that can set names and destinations to your wish, in order to use basically you could make this:
- build a vertical 3x4 "0" shaped obsidian frame
- activate it by setting portal base on fire with flint-and-steel
- when portal activates aim its "energy beam" with your crosshair (actually is illuminated water)
- once targeted, set its name by typing the command /p firstPortal
- create, activate and target a new portal in another place repeating steps 1-3
- with the new portal selected, set its name and destination to the first portal with the command /p newPortal firstPortal
- enter the new portal to get teleported to first portal, for a small "spacetime travel burn" (health cost)
- destroy a portal to deactivate, just like nether portals
- you can recreate and (re)name a destroyed portal in the same place to restore the incoming links (also useful to rotate the portal)
- you can link a portal exit to any other named portal, if don't remember the portal names use /listportals command
/portal: sets portal name and/or destination, type it while targeting a portal (alias /p):
- /portal: with no paramaters will display a brief help
- /portal name: sets the portal name, with already named portals it sets the destination specified by name
- /portal name destination: sets the target portal's name and destination at once
/listportals: list current portals, paged and/or filtered (alias /lp):
- /listportals: with no parameters will show default list: all portals, page 1
- /listportals pattern: lists portals which name or destination contains the pattern, if pattern looks like a number will display specified page
- /listportals pattern page: lists portals which name or destination contains the pattern, within specified page
- /listportals ?: with a question mark it will display a brief help
Installation and configuration
As usual, copy jar file into plugins folder and reload/restart server, config and reoad again, to config read comments on config.yml. if you wish to migrate from MyPortals please read this page
Server side configurable features are: health cost, worlds allowed to place portals, whether if portals can link to another world, destination overwriting, and all the localized messages
To Do
I like when you activate a portal, a prompt automatically appears asking the portal name like javascript prompt() popups... would be a little more friendly because would kill the need of have to write a command to name a portal, and would avoid forgotten named portals... but sadly i dont know how to achieve it, if you know how to do it please contact me
Send me your comments, bug reports and translations, your opinions are very important to me and the plugin development, you can send me through this page, the source code of this plugin can be found on GitHub... special thanks to Ernie, sleite and all people involved in MyPortals