World Portals NextGen

World Portals NextGen



If you liked WorldPortals this plugin will like you even more

Just like the boring part of mmorpg's is having to spend most time killing mobs, the boring part of minecraft is having to spend most time travelling large distances, this plugin comes to help with that in order to get time to do all the really fun things you could do

Certainly the game offers other ways to do it like horses, boats, nether portals, etc. I admit i am somewhat purist, at start i didn't want to do it but later i said "what the heck, this is a game, and it has to be fun" ;D


WorldPortal is a fantastic plugin, but as portals could have only 1 destination, if you want to go from one place to many others you have to build many portals... this plugin comes to fix this issue by linking nearby portals automatically creating a network, enhancing other features and adding some others that lacks, becoming the top of friendliness 

the operation is almost exclusively with the mouse, gestures and vanilla world interaction, also includes a single command for list current portals and pathfinding, with clickable text links 

Creating a portal

- build a vertical 3x4 obsidian frame, like a shorter nether one


note active portal "test-2" and workbench ahead as reference

- stake a signpost on the floor inside

you will see this suddenly fast before edit sign, posted mainly to show sign position

- write the portal name on the first line and place it

only accepts up to 15 ascii letters, numbers and hyphens on the first line


the new active portal will look like this

Using a portal

- enter some portal

- turn to the cardinal direction you want to go

note nearby portal list to the right (sorted by furthest) and selected portal to the top,

- wait a little and you will get teleported to the closer portal to there


here you can see the workbenck close to portal "test-1"

Listing portals

- to list all portals in current world type: /p [filter?] (page_number]

- you can filter portals by partial name (note the '?' question mark)

- if command returns too many portals, you can browse by pages

- defaults with no specified parameter(s): no filter, page 1 (or all pages from server console)

- you can also click purple text links to find path to portal (see next section)

default page 1 list with no filters

Path finding

- /p [starting-portal] finish-portal

- will show a path of portals to reach your goal, with cardinal direction and horizontal distance


Getting help

- the /p command accepts the argument: "?", so if you type "/p ?" you will get an in-game help page

- also the bukkit command "/help worldportalsng" will show you a brief plugin description

¡Viva Chile!

if you want to examine the source code (gpl v3) you can find the link here in the upper tabs 

check my other plugins if you like by clicking in my profile to the right >>> and select "projects" link, all my plugins are designed to enhance gameplay complementing vanilla minecraft by adding some nice features