World Restaurer
This plugin is very useful if you needs a "dungeon system" where when the server restarts, is possible to restore this dungeons with mobs, loots, and other things, for use this plugin the dungeon needs to be a world, and the world is saved in a backup inside the plugin folder, with this backup, the "Dungeon World" is restaured every server restart if the option "SaveAndLoadOnStartServer" has enable.
So... how to use this plugin?
This plugin has a depedencie, the MULTIVERSE CORE plugin basicaly, this dependencie is needed because if you restaure a server loaded world, it's blocked by own server, and for get around this, my plugin use the commands /mv unload for unload and restaure the world, and /mv load for load the restaured world
Commands and Permissions
The commands of this plugin is:
- /saveworld <world name>This save the current world folder inside the plugin folder like a backup (permission: WR.saveworld)
- /restaureworldThis restaure all worlds in config.yml worlds list for saved backup (permission: WR.restaureworld)
- /deleteworld <world name>This delete a world from the config.yml worlds list and delete the backup world folder (permission: WR.deleteworld)
- Admin use permission: WR.adminuseThis allow all commands of this plugin for a user or a group of users
My others projects
If you needs a sethome plugin with a public home system, you need my other plugin project "Supreme home" Link:
found a bug? please report in the comments or in discord: