I ' ve made this plugin for multiverse server owners,beacause if a player wants to teleport to the world spawn,with multiverse-core he must type /mv spawn,and most of players don't know this command,so with my plugin you can teleport to world spawn with command /spawn.
Commands :
/spawn -teleports the player to the spawn.
/setspawn -sets the world spawn.
Permissions :
You must use permissions of multiverse-core,this are : multiverse.core.spawn.self - for /spawn command. multiverse.core.spawn.set - for /setspawn command
Dependicies :
- multiverse-core
Working on :
/hub - teleports you to the server hub.
/lobby - same
/sethub - sets the hub
I'm working also on compatibility with multiworld.
Donations help me developing this plugin.I would apreciate your donations.