



Have you ever wanted to kill the Ender Dragon with one hit? Ever wanted to make a explosion with power 22 and whatever coordinates you want? You can do all of that with WorldControl.


The contents of this section can be viewed with /wc usage, just without the description.

/wc save - Saves the world.

/wc auto-save - Toggles the world's auto-save.

/wc pvp - Toggle P(layer)v(s)P(layer)

/wc usage - Shows how to use the /wc command.

/wc creload - Reloads the WorldControl config.

/wc difficulty <peaceful/easy/normal/hard> - Change's the world's difficulty.

/wc get-max-height - Not really useful, but gets the world's max height.

/wc explode (<power> or <power> <x> <y> <z>) - Makes a explosion at either your location or the defined location, depending on the usage.

Permissions - Needed to use the /wc save command. - Needed to use the /wc auto-save command.

wc.pvp - Needed to use the /wc pvp command.

wc.configreload - Needed to use the /wc creload command.

wc.difficulty - Needed to use the /wc difficulty command.

wc.gmh - Needed to use the /wc get-max-height command.

wc.explode - Needed to use the /wc explode command.

Config Values

Explosions: Used to disable or enable all types of explosions.

Fire: Used to disable or enable all types of fire.

MobHealth: Used to modify many of the mobs in Minecraft's health. ONLY WORKS FOR MOBS SPAWNED AFTER PLUGIN INSTALLATION

Source Code

Source Code can be found on GitHub here:


Thanks for using this plugin! If you have any questions or concerns, or want to report a bug or fault, please comment on the project.