WorldGuard Chat Flags


WorldGuard Chat Flags

"WorldGuard" extension that allows server admins to modify the chat for players that are inside a WorldGuard region.

How to use this?

This plugin adds two (may become more) new region flags to worldguard: "chat-prefix" and "chat-suffix" which can be used to define a prefix or a suffix for chat messages that appear when a player uses the chat inside a region.
You can use &-codes to format the text (see Minecraft Wiki).

So simply use the usual WorldGuard region command, like this:

/region flag <region> chat-prefix &6[Shop]&r

to set the prefix to "[Shop]",

/region flag <region> chat-suffix (&8Shop&r)

to set the suffix to "(Shop)", or

/region flag <region> chat-prefix

to set the flag back to default value (nothing).


  • none yet


The plugin requires the latest WorldGuard Custom Flags (1.5.3).

Click here for some other plugins using WorldGuard Custom Flags.

Problems ?

If you have problems with this plugin read the F.A.Q.. If this did not help you, you can receive help here.