WorldGuard Region Commands


WorldGuard Region Commands

"WorldGuard" extension to make the server/a player automatically execute a command when he enters or leaves a WorldGuard region.

How to use this?

this plugin adds some new region flags to worldguard: player-enter-command, player-leave-command, server-enter-command and server-leave-command.
Each of these flags can store multiple commands that are separated with a comma. The player-enter-command and player-leave-command commands will be executed by the player who enters/leaves a region. The server-enter-command and server-leave-command commands will be executed by the server if a player enters/leaves the region.

so simply use the usual WorldGuard region command, like this:

/region flag <region> player-enter-command /list

to make the player execute /list, or

/region flag <region> server-leave-command /say Someone left the region.

to make the server execute the /say command when a player leaves the region.
You can use

/region flag <region> player-leave-command

to clear the value of the flag.

Additionally some substrings will be replaced:

  • {player} will be replaced with the name of the player who entered/left the region
  • {region} will be replaced with the name of the region the player entered/left
  • {comma} will be replaced with a comma as it is normally used to execute multiple commands


  • none yet


The plugin requires the latest WorldGuard Custom Flags and WorldGuard Region Events.

Click here for some other plugins using WorldGuard Custom Flags.

Problems ?

If you have problems with this plugin read the F.A.Q.. If this did not help you, you can receive help here.