Invincible issues in regions
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 2 comments
WORLDGUARD-3188 - Reported by TNTUP
Testing out WG 6 latest build, the only bug I could find were invincible bugs, such as lava, fire, falling, lightning, drowning, void damage, tnt explosions etc.
Mob damage are fine, they work as intended. Same for PVP, I tried it.
EDIT: I did testing, on a fresh install, same config as on my production server, but regions file empty, those "bugs" aren't reproducable, but if adding BUILD=DENY, those "bugs" can be reproduced, or adding myself in global or player's regions. Even allowed/disallowed players in a certain region are immune to those "bugs".
Need to update to WG 6 ASAP before name changing becomes available.