- 1
BlockFromToEvent to WorldGuard
#2103 opened by Incluuu - 3
Dog armour can be broken by players inside claims
#2104 opened by baailey - 2
People can still place blocks in a claimed region (they are not added to the region)
#2105 opened by giac10000 - 0
Block specific items/blocks into enderchest/containers using Blacklist
#2106 opened by TomLewis - 1
WorldGuard didn't load in 1.16.5
#2107 opened by TopazSlinky - 1
Where can I see updates change log?
#2108 opened by groundbreakingmc - 3
WorldGuard spamming Error in console
#2109 opened by DavidFrings - 0
Could not pass event PlayerTeleportEvent to WorldGuard v7.0.11-beta1+a801a9d
#2111 opened by ad4726368 - 5
setting this flag may have unintended consequences
#2112 opened by radek2910 - 2
Could not pass various block events
#2113 opened by Woolyenough - 1
NPE whilst traversing End Portal
#2114 opened by LB45440078L - 0
ERROR]: Could not pass event UseBlockEvent to WorldGuard v7.0.10+d9424b1
#2116 opened by MisakiSugu - 1
Failed to delete old native lib on windows when locked.
#2123 opened by andrewkm - 1
/stack unstacking when put in chests/inventory
#2122 opened by Castiella - 3
Console spamming "Could not pass event UseBlockEvent to WorldGuard v7.0.10+d9424b1" ever since updating to 1.21
#2117 opened by FlyingGMM - 0
#2118 opened by Cartrigger - 3
Mobs Breaking Decorated Pots Despite Protection Flags
#2120 opened by Jeremylo1 - 4
Massive errors when logging into the server
#2121 opened by hapugov - 1
Players can place books into lecterns
#2124 opened by RealTriassic - 1
RegionQuery.testBuild() using a lot of server resources and causing lag
#2125 opened by trent304 - 1
If PvP flag doesn't set, owner can hit other players, but they can't
#2126 opened by StKillReal - 1
spam error in console
#2127 opened by M1WaNA - 1
People can break blocks?
#2128 opened by zynk123456 - 1
#2129 opened by GIDS214 - 1
Copper Trapdoor
#2130 opened by Incluuu - 0
Separate Messages for the denied flags
#2131 opened by Weltensiedler - 1
Error on paper 1.21.1
#2133 opened by MassiveLag - 3
Lava-flow and Water-Flow doesnt work
#2132 opened by xProMDFKx - 3
broken blocks
#2135 opened by Jaylee24k - 1
"WorldGuard 7.0.11 Beta 1 (MC 1.21)"
#2136 opened by 10BamberJ - 0
Attacking the boat will trigger 'Knockback:Enchantment'
#2137 opened by CatTeaA - 4
Console Spam
#2138 opened by ArtyomSuu - 0
Console Spam
#2139 opened by ArtyomSuu - 3
Custom enchantments can bypass regions?
#2140 opened by MinecraftNight4 - 3
"registered listener for deprecated event" warning
#2141 opened by VentureStudios - 1
Deprecation warning for EntityKnockbackByEntityEvent in WorldGuard v7.0.11
#2142 opened by thisisaef - 10
Flame enchant triggers damage event from shooting player to arrow
#2144 opened by JHarris12345 - 2
Console flooded with errors
#2145 opened by neomoth - 3
Gamemode flag not functioning
#2146 opened by iLemon - 6
Wind Burst enchant not sending users back into the air
#2147 opened by baailey - 1
Error disabling WorldGuard v7.0.12 - "IllegalStateException: zip file closed"
#2148 opened by servicomcr - 0
Error when using WindCharge in Minecraft 1.21 with WorldGuard (NoSuchMethodError for getExplosionResult)
#2149 opened by BitholSatapathy - 4
#2151 opened by Graynetic - 1
Wrong logic when a minecart is hooked by a fishing rod
#2152 opened by melvuze - 0
Hi, in the new versions, it’s possible to move an armor stand in a region where PvP is allowed, using a mace.
#2154 opened by GG-MD - 0
Mobs with weaving effect will place webs on death, unhandleable by regions.
#2156 opened by accLarson - 0
Implement a `cast-fishing-rod` region flag.
#2157 opened by accLarson - 0
Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to WorldGuard
#2158 opened by gamer-sans987 - 0
Dragon egg
#2159 opened by Envqu - 1
WorldGuard region bypass perm is not working with some interactions
#2162 opened by Miir420