I need to downgrade from worldguard 6.
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 6 comments
WORLDGUARD-3194 - Reported by kiammcquaid
I have plugins that dont work because of worldguard 6, and I now need to downgrade to fix the issue
Comment by sk89q
Because I might give someone a Python script to convert the region files.
The configuration files are backwards compatible. What's not backwards incompatible is the region data, but all that needs to be done is to convert all the UUIDs back to names, which is a simple script.
The MySQL region tables were also changed in 6 but I am not sure the changes are backwards incompatible.
However, if you saved a backup of your region data (which you should have), you can just downgrade and restore the old data.
Comment by sk89q
Here's a program to downgrade the .yml file for anyone that needs it: https://github.com/sk89q/Six2Five/releases/tag/release-1.0
Comment by PseudoKnight
Why are you telling us this?
Comment by kiammcquaid
The bukkit page said not to downgrade and if I needed to, to make a ticket
Comment by PseudoKnight
You need to install WorldGuard 5.9 and restore your WorldGuard 5.9 folder backup.
When it says "It is NOT POSSIBLE TO DOWNGRADE" it means WorldGuard will not convert your region and configuration files back automatically. You have to do that manually. Obviously, any changes during this period will be lost.