Error with 1.8 spigot - Playerteleport event
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 9 comments
WORLDGUARD-3266 - Reported by danmark2312
7.73% 48.69% 29.09 s 24.35 ms 0.2 1.2k WorldGuardPlayerListener::onPlayerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent)
This causes a huge lag on my server, I fixed it by turning it off in the config, but now players can tp to regions they're not allowed to be in, and they just get stuck.
Comment by PseudoKnight
Could you post the complete spigot timings report instead of just a snippet? There's a lot of useful information missing in this report.
Comment by sk89q
Ideally, please use or JVisualVM and send me the results.
Comment by danmark2312
I'm sorry but I have no knowledge about warmroast og JVisualVM.
This timing was from when I just opened my server, I had it open for 4 min before players joined (turned off whitelist) and when they joined, it started lagging, bad.
Comment by sk89q
I can't reproduce it and without the results of Warm Roast or JVisualVM, I can't diagnose your problem.
Comment by PseudoKnight
This was determined, as I understand it, to be caused by Citizens fake players teleporting in conjunction with how WorldGuard/WEPIF was checking permissions. It's being worked on by ZML right now.
Comment by sk89q