Cannot use splash potions on Hostile Mobs
LadyCailinBot opened this issue · 3 comments
WORLDGUARD-3294 - Reported by Puremin0rez
Members of regions will get the message "Hey! Sorry, but you can't hit that here."
Comment by NightDragon
Hi! Same issue here.
I have the following on my server:
rg info -w world global
[15:48:53 INFO]: ══════════════ Region Info ══════════════
Region: global (type=global, priority=0)
Flags: pvp: DENY, tnt: DENY, use: ALLOW, vehicle-place: ALLOW, vehicle-destroy: ALLOW, fire-spread: DENY, blocked-cmds: [/is, /island]
Owners: (none)
Members: (none)
Bounds: (0,0,0) -> (0,0,0)
Any names suffixed by * are 'last seen names' and may not be up to date.
As PvP should not be allowed in this world, splash a portion should (e.g. zikombie villager.
To reproduce:
- Set the above flags
- /summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {IsVillager:1}
- Splash portion ( /give 373:16456 )
Comment by Puremin0rez
@sk89q Yes, but people added to the region still cannot harm them. I've had reports that it effects more then just Guardians.