Flag "Entry"
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 1 comments
WORLDGUARD-3453 - Reported by BananaGamess
Hi, I seem to be having issues with the "Entry" flag, I've set it so that you can fall into another mine through a tunnel there is a hole you can fall through, I've set this hole so only certain groups can go in it, but if they are not in the right group and they go in the hole, they are denied to go through, but, the thing is, if they jump into this hole, they are stuck, WorldGuard will try take that guy out, but only teleports above where it is. So then it'll make an endless loop of going in the mine teleporting out then in, Once you're in this situration, you can't do "/" neither "T" and the only way to get yourself out of this, is going tnto the console and Teleporting you somewhere else, you should fix this problem. Here is some proof.