block-break deny flag does not work
LadyCailinBot opened this issue · 3 comments
WORLDGUARD-3503 - Reported by Quenntinne
Hello today I have download your plugins and i have try to protect a region with the flag block-break deny flag but i can break block can you help me ? or fix this bug? (i am french talk me simply please)
bonjour aujourd'hui j'ai télécharger votre plugin et j'ai essayer de protéger une région avec le flag block-break deny mais je peu casser les bloc ! pouvez vous m'aidez ou fixer se bug ?
Comment by wizjany
those flags are kind of redundant, since there are no members or owners added to the regions.
you are likely just bypassing the protection since you're op'd.
Comment by Quenntinne
Hello after have read the config file I have view at the line 56 :
enable: false
I have set this to true and now the flag block-break deny work :)