


worldguard6.1 - Protection Stones

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments


WORLDGUARD-3571 - Reported by Kr4ck3d

I have had to update worldguard to 6.1 so Protection Stones can be placed again by players but now i have upgraded players that had already put down the stones can now not open their own doors, chest etc.

Is there a fix for this? i have also asked the dev of the protection stones but as of yet with no answer.


Comment by wizjany

what did you upgrade from? there shouldn't be any issues if you upgraded from 6.0 to 6.1, but if you were still on 5.9 it had to migrate player names to uuids. details should be in the server log if there were any problems.

also i have no idea how protection stones really works, so it's possible it does something on its own.


Comment by Kr4ck3d

i upgraded from 6 to 6.1, as with 6 protection stones are not working right as in once you place them you can not remove them but when upgrading to WG 6.1 all of that works just can not open doors chest etc.


Comment by wizjany

sounds like an issue with protection stones then? or you mis-set the flags in it? worldguard didn't really change anything between 6.0 and 6.1