/fly not working
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments
WORLDGUARD-3587 - Reported by ericbarbwire
I seem to be having the same issues as found here: https://bukkit.org/threads/essentials-the-fly-command-issues.70773/
The user was able to fix this by changing use-player-move-event: true to false. I did the same, but the issue still stays the same. I know this is a WorldGuard issue because I took the plugins out one by one until the users were able to actually fly.
Here is my config information:
Config: http://hastebin.com/pamekaxaxu.vala
Config for the world: http://hastebin.com/ehonawevop.vala
World Regions config: http://hastebin.com/asavojugen.sm
Spigot Version: spigot-BT45_1.8.8_09.21
List of plugins: http://hastebin.com/muzimujape
If you need anything else, feel free to ask. Thank you very much!
Comment by wizjany
worldguard doesn't touch fly mode at all.
it will prevent movement if they try to move into/out of a restricted area, but it won't touch their fly mode.
Comment by ericbarbwire
@wizjany Right, which is why I was confused by what was going on, the thing is, /fly works with WorldGuard disabled.