


Delay for Greeting and Farewell flag

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 8 comments


WORLDGUARD-3597 - Reported by JohOply

Hi !

My idea is add a delay for greeting and farewell, like heal delay (in seconds)

Thanks in advance


Comment by wizjany

er, so it would constantly send the message to everyone in the region?
how would that even work, it would not longer be a greeting and farewell message then.


Comment by JohOply

Not exactly : currently message is send instantly, once time. I want message is send with a delay (for instance 5 seconds), once time.

Is it more clear? :)


Comment by wizjany

i don't see the point.


Comment by JohOply

I enter in a region.
5 seconds later the message appear if i am already in the region. There is a 5 seconds delay.
Useful to reduce spam when a player is between many regions.

Is it better? :D


Comment by wizjany

i understand what you're saying, i just think it's unnecessary. delaying won't even help with spam - you will just get the spam x seconds later instead of right away.


Comment by JohOply

No because it appear only "if i am already in the region"


Comment by Darmix

Hi there.

I came here to ask exactly for this feature.
On my sight, the point is that if you are running over the region limit line, you get spamed with the Greeting/Farewell message, and it is kinda annoying.


Comment by wizjany

then hit the vote button and wait. we're not really adding features atm right now so don't hold your breath