WorldGuard version 6.1.3-SNAPSHOT not available in the Maven repository
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments
WORLDGUARD-3709 - Reported by NLThijs48
The '6.1.2-SNAPHOT' version is in the 'worldguard-legacy' folder, which is a bit strange to me, and I cannot find the '6.1.3-SNAPSHOT' version. I have manually looked here:
The reason I need 6.1.3 is because of the internal changes to the region flags. Because of the signature change (a25674e#diff-efbfb089b384b656e9adb4cc9e7486a7L174) of the DefaultFlag#fuzzyMatchFlag() method my plugin AreaShop no longer works with WorldGuard 1672+. The plugin is setting the region flags depending on a section in the config, so that is the reason I use the fuzzyMatchFlag method. My plan is to detect WorldGuard build 1672 or higher and use another implementation.
Comment by wizjany
the worldguard-legacy folder is correct. that said, 6.1.2 doesn't have those changes yet, as i specifically waited to make those changes until after the 6.1.2 release.
as for 6.1.3 missing, that's due to some server shuffling that happened recently, and some of the configs have to be changed before i can start pushing builds again.
Comment by wizjany
got sk to fix the space issue, dev builds should start appearing shortly (under com.sk89q.worldguard:worldguard-legacy:6.1.3-SNAPSHOT