Compatibility with BedWars-Reloaded
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 10 comments
WORLDGUARD-3755 - Reported by Sitmobedaf
Comment by Sitmobedaf
Actually, problem in WorldGuard - BedwarsRel/BedwarsRel#648
Comment by wizjany
still unsure of what the issue is or why it's related to worldguard
Comment by Sitmobedaf
I have little time to check it out. I tried it with default settings.
I also recorded a video, which shows that there is no problem without WG.
Comment by wizjany
worldguard's default settings do nothing. it can't do anything until you tell it to.
Comment by Sitmobedaf
Have you watched the video? Please see the code, where it might have something to do after respawn player. The point exactly WorldGuard, I beg you, look.
Comment by wizjany
I don't see any deny messages or anything indicative or worldguard doing anything.
Really need some reproduction steps. Regions, configs, whatever.
Comment by Sitmobedaf
I found what is causing the problem:
I tried delete this code - problem is solved
But it's not right. I hope you yourself will do the necessary changes in order to solve this problem.
Comment by wizjany
that's literally just a movement handler. unless you have invincibility flags set on the region in conjunction, it still won't touch damage.
Comment by Sitmobedaf
Fact is fact. Before the code was there a player who immediately after the spawn, could not be damaged if it is not moved. I don't have WG regions in BW arenas, have only global without flags.
I remove this code - problem is soled.
I have nothing more to say, I have found for this code. If you do not see the problem, and will not fix it, and write, I will use my crutch.
Comment by wizjany
can you use the testdamage command described here and give me the results