Polygon region when 1 block into chunk boundary.
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 1 comments
WORLDGUARD-3935 - Reported by tomtehtom
Pretty much the same issue as https://dev.enginehub.org/youtrack/issue/WORLDGUARD-3602
But that is an old report and I'm not sure if you guys possibly thought it was fully fixed as it is not.
Worldguard version: 6.2.1;84bc322
If a polygon overlaps into a south facing or east facing chunk by 1 block ONLY when saving the region to worldguard it cuts off the area that is in that chunk when saving the region. Performing a world edit command is fine and includes the area in the south and east facing chunks but when saving the region is just doesn't include them areas. Even then performing /rg select and worldeditting still selects the region fine, making me think the region is being stored correctly but just not physically mapped out correctly in game. If the polygon overlaps by more than 1 block into the south and east facing chunks it is fine, no issue.
Purple is area selected with polygon selector.
Blue is the chunk I am in
Green glass is what is then mapped as the saved region.
Red is what is not mapped
The + shape goes into all chunks by 1 block
N E S W is marked on the floor.