


Invalid WorldGuard version on maven repository

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 4 comments


WORLDGUARD-4004 - Reported by Joo200

I tried to implement worldguard in a Gradle project but can't build my project. I need WorldEdit and WorldGuard there, so I implemented both in the build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven { url=''}
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    compile group: 'com.sk89q.worldguard', name: 'worldguard-legacy', version: '7.0.0-SNAPSHOT', changing: true, transitive: false
    compile group: 'com.sk89q.worldguard', name: 'worldguard-core', version: '7.0.0-SNAPSHOT', changing: true, transitive: false
    compile group: 'com.sk89q.worldedit', name: 'worldedit-bukkit', version: '7.0.0-SNAPSHOT', changing: true, transitive: false
    compile group: 'com.sk89q.worldedit', name: 'worldedit-core', version: '7.0.0-SNAPSHOT', changing: true, transitive: false

If I use 7.0.0-20181117.063337-9 as WorldGuard version, I am able to compile my project.
The maven-metadata.xml in the repository redirects to the WorldGuard version from 2018-08-30 a old build.

Can you please update the metadata file to the newer builds with the new worldedit vector system. Thanks for the work.


Comment by me4502

Nah I didn't do anything to the repo - Every time I tried it was working so I was trying to work out if there was a caching issue or something, but there didn't appear to be so I was waiting until I had more time to look into it.

I'll keep it open for now in case others still are having this issue.


Comment by me4502

This appears to have been caused by the CodeMC repo having an invalid version of WorldEdit in it, which they removed a day or so ago.


Comment by me4502

I'm unable to reproduce this issue, however, it's not the first time it's been reported to me.

Every time I look at the maven-metadata.xml file, it's exactly as it should be.


Comment by Joo200

Okay, now I'm able to get the correct maven-metadata.
Did you cleanup the repository? Last time I saw a version from 30 August 2018 with the ending -38 (or something like that) as .jar- and .pom-file.
The maven-metadata.xml refered to these two files.

You can close this issue and next time I provide more information