Blacklist to whitelist conversion string.
Arisilde opened this issue ยท 5 comments
There used to be a string you could add in the first line of the WorldGuard blacklist to make it function as a whitelist instead. Is that still around? I can't find any documentation on it.
I don't recall this being a feature. For a whitelist, are you just looking for a list of blocks/items that a player can place/acquire/use?
Yes, that's exactly right. I'm setting up a class system where block/item usage is limited depending on your class. The classes are set up using groups in the permissions plugin. I'm using worldguard's blacklist to create the item/block restrictions but it's a very tedious way to do it. I basically have to list every single item number and then remove the ones I want that class to be able to use, and then add every single group but the one I'm working on to the ingnoregroup list so that it only effects that one group.
In the long run this will be a very non user friendly way to do it. Any time I add a new class I'll have to come back and add it's name to every other entries ignoregroups list. If I had a whitelist that worked exactly the opposite, where I could list one group, and list only the item numbers they are able to use that would be a lot easier to work with. Then I'd only have to make separate listings for different triggers, like onbreak and onaquire for each class.
I hope that makes sense.
Great. I'm thinking if it was an actual feature and people knew about it more might actually use it. How hard do you estimate it would be to make this? Just out of curiosity?