[SEVERE] exceptionjava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 18
scood opened this issue ยท 1 comments
EDIT - this is not just happening with worldguard on, i have it fully disabled and its now happening. i've been running the server for days with no major issues besides when the update happened, but got the latest version of hey0 after the update and all was fine, this has randomly started happening - not sure if this is the right place to have this now....
hi, when running your plugin "WorldGuard" (definately only happens when worldguard is on) which seems to work perfectly other than seeming to ignore the ranks i set in blacklist, im sure that was my own fault with config setup however everything else was giong great, but only stays that way for about 10 minutes...., then i get this, and server freezes. i am still able to type stop, save the map and reload server.
2010-12-02 14:45:01 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 18
at eh.a(SourceFile:39)
at eh.c(SourceFile:101)
at fh.a(SourceFile:158)
at fh.b(SourceFile:91)
at fh.a(SourceFile:64)
at fh.a(SourceFile:37)
at fh.a(SourceFile:22)
at ep.a(SourceFile:1644)
at he.c(SourceFile:47)
at fn.c(SourceFile:64)
at jz.E(jz.java:579)
at gc.E(SourceFile:24)
at jz.b_(jz.java:195)
at gc.b_(SourceFile:28)
at fn.b_(SourceFile:48)
at dy.z(dy.java:752)
at jz.z(jz.java:186)
at ep.a(SourceFile:1067)
at ew.a(SourceFile:37)
at ep.f(SourceFile:1044)
at ep.a(SourceFile:1098)
at ew.a(SourceFile:37)
at ep.f(SourceFile:1044)
at ep.c(SourceFile:1023)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(SourceFile:268)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:210)
at bx.run(SourceFile:484)
2010-12-02 14:46:23 [INFO] CuboidPlugin : Saving data to hard drive...
2010-12-02 14:46:23 [INFO] CuboidPlugin : Done.
2010-12-02 14:46:23 [INFO] CONSOLE: Stopping the server.
2010-12-02 14:46:23 [INFO] Stopping server
2010-12-02 14:46:23 [INFO] Saving chunks
Mike, and thanks.