


Fail to load greeting/farewell starting with '['

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments


WORLDGUARD-2276 - Reported by mattekure

After updating to 5.6.2, I the the following error in the console

[WARNING] [WorldGuard] Failed to parse flag 'greeting' with value '[Cardinal Rail - East Station]'
2012-11-05 12:51:57 [WARNING] [WorldGuard] Failed to parse flag 'greeting' with value '[Cardinal Rail - North Station]'
2012-11-05 12:51:57 [WARNING] [WorldGuard] Failed to parse flag 'greeting' with value '[Cardinal Rail - South Station]'
2012-11-05 12:51:57 [WARNING] [WorldGuard] Failed to parse flag 'greeting' with value '[Cardinal Rail - West Station]'

It gives this warning for each area whose greeting/farewell begins with '['.

EDIT* I am using MySQL for the regions, not flatfile.


Comment by sk89q

Unfortunately, this is because the old code was very broken and support for non-string flags needed to be fixed. Please, '''after backing up the table just in case''', run the following query:

{{UPDATE region_flag SET value = CONCAT('"', REPLACE(value, '"', '\"'), '"');}}


Comment by mattekure

That fixed it, In the future will we need to specify the " around the text or will it automatically add those in?


Comment by sk89q

It will automatically place the quotes from now on.