User can set halfsteps in protected Regions.
LadyCailinBot opened this issue · 10 comments
WORLDGUARD-2298 - Reported by Michael.Schäffer
if there is a half step in a protected region already and a user sets the second halfstep to create a full block, it is not blocked
-> user can set half steps on existing half steps.
Comment by sk89q
I believe this is probably a Bukkit issue. I had to fix this issue last year in like March 2011 in Bukkit, and it may have returned. The way Bukkit, last I checked (a year ago), handles a block place is to perform the place, call the event, and then undo it. Unfortunately this scheme, at the time, completely did not work for half steps. I don't know about now though.
Comment by wizjany
Perhaps this is relevant, in the duplicate issue the user was using spigot, not craftbukkit.
Comment by wizjany
Unless, you know, one user doesn't have the problem with craftbukkit but another user does have it with Spigot. You can't just throw away information because you think it's not relevant, especially because OP of this issue hasn't specified shit.
Comment by alexmarkey
Thankyou so much, Life has just been made easier. Would this be in the latest WG build?
Comment by alexmarkey
if possible, A link to the DL would be much appreciated (Cannot find on the WG jenkins)
Comment by Robert.Sells
May I ask what this workaround was? I think it could be useful for other developers such as myself.