Auto command/permission Flag
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 1 comments
WORLDGUARD-2323 - Reported by WorldguardTechnician
This flag should have these things:
- When a player enters/exits a region a command is automatically executed by the server. It needs to have a variable for the player's name. This should be set up with flags. For example:
/rg flag autocmd-entry /gm 1
should be typed by the op setting the flag and automatically filled in with the player's name by the server.
/rg flag autocmd-exit /pex user set group default
this would make the server execute the command /pex user Steve set group default, if Steve exited the region.
Also, support for aliases should be included. for example, if i have an alias set using commandhelper
so that /rank = /pex user group set
then the flag would recognize that and use the alias. In other words, the auto commands should be executed as if typed in chat.
- When a player enters/exits a region a permission is automatically added to the player. For example,
/rg flag autoperm-entry*
this would automatically make it so when the player enters the region, they get the permission*
this could be used to disable players placing blocks in a region, thus adding a whole new element to the game.
You could use this to create regions where players can only break logs, and place none.
An 'autoperm-exit' flag would not be needed, because the permission would be automatically removed upon exit. (This should be configurable.)
- A configurable message could be displayed for any of these flags. For example, "You gamemode has been changed." or "You now have this permission:" or "Command: "/enchant this" has been executed."
Also, their needs to be support for players teleporting out of the region, to insure that players do not "steal" permissions, by entering the region and teleporting out. Players should still be able to teleport out, but the permission should still be removed if it happened.