


MySql Region Removing Not removing every thing.

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 2 comments


WORLDGUARD-2330 - Reported by RustyDagger

I have been having this issue for some time now but it is still present in Build #725-2e7ecc5 Of WorldGuard

How to recreate.

  1. WE / WG installed.
  2. WG in Mysql saving.
  3. Create a region with /region define test
  4. Remove the region you just made with /region remove test
  5. try to create a region called test again.

At step 5 the region will be created but an error is made in chat. I am not 100% sure that every thing relating to the region works as I have not had time to test that.

Some console Log Of it:

[INFO] RustyDagger issued server command: /region remove testing
[INFO] RustyDagger issued server command: /region define testing
[WARNING] [WorldGuard] Could not save region testing: Duplicate entry 'testing-3' for key 1

it is entirely possible that its just my derp mysql data base layout. I'm not a pro at it and iv had some large arguments with it in the past can some one confirm this?


Comment by sk89q

Probably a bug with the MySQL implementation. We're going to dumping the current one for a new one in the next major version.


Comment by sk89q

Foreign key constraints should handle this and I can't reproduce too.