Commands not available in console
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 7 comments
WORLDGUARD-2357 - Reported by Koen.Vlaswinkel
Some commands that would be handy to be executed in the console, can't be executed in the console.
For example:
/region flag (why do you need to be a player for this?
/region addmember
Comment by Dylan.Colborne
@wizjani: It would probably be the same as having an OP change it. I may not be a region manager for a region, but I can still edit its flags and owners/members because I am an OP. Heck, you could in theory define regions using //pos1 and //pos2 if WorldEdit supported this via console.
Comment by wizjany
No, you can do it because Worldguard has a list of region managers and it finds the correct region manager for the world that the command sender is in. The console doesn't have the same path, so an explicit world argument would have to be given which means every single command needs to be rewritten to some extent or another.
Comment by sk89q
No reason why we can't do this. Already on target for the next major version anyway.
Comment by wizjany
Except that they can't actually be executed in console. That makes no sense.
Comment by wizjany
Again, you're making assumptions. The commands can't be run from console because the console has no relation to a region manager. There is no "should" or "can" here.