


Add a config option for setting which entities are considered intensive

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 4 comments


WORLDGUARD-2470 - Reported by Firedroide

As far as I can see, the method isIntensiveEntity(Entity entity) in bukkit/BukkitUtil is only being used for the stoplag (aka halt-activity) command.
It would be very nice if we could set which entities are actually considered intensive in a config node, thus allowing us to set which entities get removed from the server.

This would be extremely helpful for our server because our server hoster tends to just force run /stoplag on every server which causes all our entities to disappear, unless I modify the BukkitUtil class every time we need a WorldGuard update, what really is quite annoying.


Comment by wizjany

out of curiosity, what host is this?


Comment by Firedroide

The largest German server host, actually, Nitrado ^^
I don't know that it's the host with absolute certainty but I know that

  • it's not a player, it once happened when I was the only one online (and no one has the permissions for the command)
  • it's not WorldGuard itself, I checked the code
  • and it's not caused by another plugin

So the last possibility remaining is that the host runs this command if the tick rate gets too low.

But I didn't just create this issue because our host thinks that we like to respawn animals, we could have figured that out with the host itself, too.
I created the issue, because it would really help to be able to set what gets removed.
By disabling the animal removal, for example, we could actually use the stoplag command without having to worry about everyone's animals ^^


Comment by wizjany

that sounds odd, not sure why a host would use an external plugin to do that


Comment by Firedroide

I guess because they want the servers to be lag-free, even when no admin is online. And if that wouldn't remove our animals every time, I wouldn't even have a problem with it because it's quite a nice feature. :D